St. Pölten, Austria
2022 – 2025
Funding programme
Leuchttürme für resiliente Städte 2040 - ein Programm der Smart Cities Initiative
Klima- und Energiefonds
In cooperation with
ÖBB-Infrastruktur Aktiengesellschaft, e7 Energie Markt Analyse GmbH, Ernst Rainer - Büro für resiliente Raum- und Stadtentwicklung e.U, Grünplan GmbH Ingenieurbüro für Landschaftsplanung und Landschaftsarchitektur, Herry Consult GmbH, realitylab GmbH
The Austrian Federal Railways are experiencing a steady increase in their employee numbers. As the owner of residential properties ÖBB wants to establish them for new employees. The research project "ZuZugLeben" was developed out of this endeavour, which aims to provide affordable and attractive living space for employees.
Research project
The main focus of this project is the development of a pioneering concept for housing estates of the ÖBB. In this context, a prototype will be developed that will be revitalised on a participatory level and in line with the climatic challenges. This prototype is to be implemented as a pilot project in the so called "Eisenbahnerhöfen" in St. Pölten.
Participative, social and climate-resilient vitalisation of ÖBB workers' housing estates.
The design aimes to specifically meet the needs of ÖBB's shift workers. Through close cooperation with the future residents, the requirements for site-related and resource-saving services for shift workers are to be evaluated and defined. Innovative approaches such as "Hausmeister 3.0", co-working spaces, food coops as well as climate-friendly mobility offers and fitness, exercise and sports facilities play a decisive role here. In addition, an innovative socio-economic rental model is being developed for residents and their families.
In line with ÖBB's corporate goals for sustainability and climate neutrality, the intention is to find an interdisciplinary solution for heat resistance by 2070 in order to realise the implementation of a climate-neutral neighbourhood. The prototype is then to be extended to other ÖBB-owned properties.
As part of this study, three representative houses were planned that are representative of the entire row of houses. In particular, the building at Mariazellerstraße 34A serves as a prototype for the flats of the shift workers. The "Pumpenhaus" is planned as a communally usable central meeting point for the neighbourhood.